Sugar Dish Me

"if you can read, you can cook" -my momma

Creamy Balsamic Vinaigrette

with 7 comments

Mealtimes have felt EXTRA boring for about a week now… I’m in a rut. I mean, I think we all know I have breakfast down pat. Lunch is no problem… I just eat soup because no one else will and I LIKE IT. I have no problem at all feeling creative with desserts or snacks. Those things are always fun. It’s dinner that is reeeeeally gettin’ me down.

I’m bored with chicken.

I’m bored with the grill.

I’m bored with pasta. And rice. And potatoes.

All the vegetables at the grocery store looked super boring on Sunday morning, but I may have been temporarily blinded by the giant-sized Pumpkin Spice Latte that accompanied me around the produce section. Sidenote: there were NO BANANAS at the supermarket. Not even one. Is there a banana shortage that I am totally unaware of?

Even Pinterest has failed to provide me with inspiration. That’s bad, right?

creamy balsamic vinaigrette

So until I figure something out, I’m going to share something with you that is the opposite of boring: Creamy balsamic vinaigrette. And THIS (I just can’t stop looking at this… it never ever stops being funny).

Anyway… this dressing is completely awesome! I love it. It makes carrot sticks interesting. Broccoli likes to dance around in it. Mixed green salads wanna swim in this stuff. I might have soaked a bit of it up with a pinch or two of whole wheat bread. Annnd I may have drizzled a little over Chad’s sandwich at lunch to see if he’d notice. He did. It’s his new favorite thing. I’m thinking I’ll try it as a marinade as soon as I make friends with chicken again. It’s only a matter of time.

So I’m trying extra hard to drum up some creative dinner energy. And until I come up with a few new somethings, we’re gonna be eating this dressing on everything.

If you have any suggestions, I’m wide open!

Creamy Balsalmic Vinaigrette (from THIS recipe at My Life as a Mrs)

4 cloves garlic, very very finely chopped

3 tablespoons mayonnaise

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1 tablespoon spicy or dijon mustard

1 tablespoon sugar

2 teaspoons Morton’s Nature’s Seasoning

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup balsamic vinegar

3/4 cup olive oil (extra light is recommended)

Whisk together all of the ingredients EXCEPT the balsamic vinegar and olive oil. When they are well-combined, whisk in the balsamic vinegar and then gradually whisk in the olive oil.

balsamic vinaigrette

Written by Heather @ Sugar Dish Me

September 25, 2012 at 6:29 pm

7 Responses

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  1. That looks ridiculously flavoursome 😀
    Love it! And so not boring!

    Choc Chip Uru

    Choc Chip Uru

    September 25, 2012 at 8:45 pm

  2. Massive recall on mangoes for salmonella but no alerts on bananas. Check out – you can sign up for food safety alerts and such. Sounds like the produce manager made an order booboo or something happened to their shipment. Sorry, it’s the retailer in me doing what she does:)


    September 25, 2012 at 8:59 pm

    • And Trader Joes Peanut Butter. What in the world? I really need some bananas, though. I’m about to bake my last three! Stupid mismanaged order.

      Heather @ SugarDish(Me)

      September 26, 2012 at 8:29 am

  3. this looks yummy and all those veggies – mmm! right now, I’m not so much bored of food as too tired to do anything with it. It has been one hell of a week, and next week looks set to get even hell-ier (I just invented that word, but I feel it’s appropriate!) so lots of nice cake-cookie-sweet-toothed goodness for me to droool over and get jealous about for the next couple of weeks please 😉 P.S. your banana-shortage reminded me of a story and OH MY GOD!! I have just tried to find an amazon type link to show you it and have found a cartoon of it! I never knew they did cartoons of these stories, this has made my day infinitely better and it’s all thanks to your banana crisis (so something good has at least come out of that) Without further ado, I present Sniff…


    September 27, 2012 at 2:15 pm

    • I think Sniff should have eaten the grass on toast. Annnnd I am working on a chocolate cake post as we speak. Sorry hellish things are going to be hell-ier (I like your word. I’m going to use it.) in the coming week. It will settle down, though! And when it does find a bakery.

      Heather @ SugarDish(Me)

      September 27, 2012 at 2:25 pm

  4. I love salad dressing anything with balsamic is my jam right there!! Food ruts are the worst since food is the best thing on earth!!! haha It’s fall season, maybe you could try doing something with fall flavors like butternut squash soup or pumpkin soup or french onion soup (yum!!)..since you like soup…or try a different culture like French or homemade pasta or something. When I’m in a food rut I’ll go to the store find something completely random that I’ve never tried before and just get it and eat it haha it’s always interesting, it’s fun and always gets my creative juices going again!!


    September 29, 2012 at 11:28 pm

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